We promote the artworks of the artist and architect Ana D'Apuzzo through various medias. We organize theme exhibitions of her paintings and architectural works and diffuse them in the world. The studio/showroom of Ana D'Apuzzo is located in Ascona, Switzerland.
We also offer art consultancy services to assist customers in the selection of artworks and in the organization of their display in public spaces, as offices, restaurants, hotels, shopping and business centers.
We offer projecting of architectural works, interior design and consultancy services based on the experience in architecture and design of Ana D'Apuzzo (M.Arch., Dipl.Arch.Eng.FTN).
Any unauthorized use of images published in this homepage is prohibited.
Opening hours: Tuesday+Friday 10:00-11:30 14:00-17:00, Saturday 10:00-17:00.
Other days&hours: open by appointment, call us or email us in advance at +41.91.791.5524 or info@anadapuzzo.com.
Current exhibition: Samādhi III, flyer, catalogue
Exhibition of Ana D'Apuzzo "ALTAIS" at Akita Museum of Art, Japan, 7-14 July 2024, flyer (in Japanese), photos (8.4MB)
The latest artworks: Wanderlust, Nichibotsu, Ānanda, Ourea
Digital art, architecture & design: digital artworks
Ana D'Apuzzo COLLEZIONI - Art to Wear: fashion
Video: Life Circle, 2022
Video: Exhibition "Born with Flowers - Reconstruction and Art after 3.11", Tokyo, Japan, 2021
Exhibition of Ana D'Apuzzo at Tokyo Midtown Design Hub, Japan, 1-13 Mar. 2021, description, video (long) (vimeo), video (short) (vimeo), flyer, link
Exhibition of Ana D'Apuzzo at Shoboji, Oshu, Japan, Nov. 2019: photos (pdf)
Exhibition of Ana D'Apuzzo at Aomori Museum of Art, Japan, Nov. 2019: photos (pdf)
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